Tripura: List of Hospitals and Health Workers 2023

Subarna Debbarma (BPT, DNHE)

Keyword- "Hospitals and Health Workers in Tripura Report 2022-2023"

TRIPURA AT A GLANCE 2022-23 is a publication by Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of Tripura. This present publication is the 39th issue in the series being published contains data relating to various socio-economic parameters in respect of Tripura. Data have been collected from various Departments/Organizations of Central and State Governments.

Efforts have been made to incorporate upto-date information for the benefit of interested planners, policymakers, academicians as well as researchers and other interested persons.


Hospitals and Health Workers in Tripura: Source Health and Family Welfare

1) Hospitals (Allopathic)

a) State Hospitals (4)
b) State Homeopathic Hospital (1)
c) State Ayurvedic Hospital (1)
d) District Hospital (6)
e) Sub-divisional Hospital (15)
f) Private Medical College (TMC & BRAM Hospital) (1)
g) Government Dental Medical College (1)

2) Primary Health Centre / Rural Hospital

a) Primary Health Centre (bed) (94)
b) Primary Health Centre (Non-bed) (19)
c) Urban Primary Health Centre (8)
d) Community Health Centre /RH (21)

3) Sub-Centre

a) Sub-Centre (Allopathic) (1002)
b) Sub-Centre (Homeopathic) (66)
c) Sub-Centre (Ayurvedic) 28
d) Satellite Dispensary (Allopathic) (5)

4) Hospital Bed (5393)
5) Blood Banks (12)
6) Blood Storage Centers (7)
7) Non- Government Blood Banks (2)

8) Allopathic Doctors (1050)
9) Allopathic Doctors under NHM (15)

10) Homeopathic Doctors (16)
11) Homeopathic Doctors under NHM (71)
12) Homeopathic Doctors (under Ayush Mission) (6)

13) Ayurvedic Doctors (29)
14) Ayurvedic Doctors under NHM (42)
15) Ayurvedic Doctors (under Ayush Mission) (6)

16) Dental Surgeon (77)
17) Dental Surgeon under NHM (44)

18) Nursing Officer (2130)
19) CHO (970)

20) ASHA (7767)
21) Mid wives (1)

22) Pharmacist-Allo (229)
23) Pharmacist Homeo (55)
24) Pharmacist Homeo under NHM (17)
25) Pharmacist- Homeo under Ayush Mission (3)
26) Pharmacist-Ayur (39)
27) Pharmacist-Ayur under NHM (5)
28) Pharmacist (Ayush) under Ayush Mission (2)

29) Children age (6-59) months who are Anemic (%) (NFHS-5) (64.3)
30) Non- Pregnant women age 15-49 years who are Anemic (%) (67.4)
31) Pregnant women age 15-49 who are Anemic (%)(NFHS-5) (61.5)

32) Men age 15-49 who are Anemic (%)(NFHS-5) (36.9)
33) Women who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV /
AIDS (%) (NFHS-5) (28.0)
34) Men who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV /
AIDS (%) (NFHS-5) (30.0)
35) Current use of any Family Planning Method (%), (NFHS-5) (71.2)
36) Institutional Birth (%)(NFHS-5) (89.2)

37) Family Welfare Centres /Clinic (MCH Clinic) (170)
38) Total Sterilization conducted (935)
39) Intra Uterine Device Insertions done(IUD) (636)

40) Condom Pieces distributed (306907)
41) Combined Oral Pill distributed (183045)
42) MTPs (Public) conducted (1182)

Data Source : (Tripura at a Glance 2022-2023) Family Welfare & PM
Keyword- "Hospitals and Health Workers in Tripura Report 2022-2023"

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